Thursday, May 4, 2017

Allocation of Federal Civil Service by State

Below is an in dept analysis of the Federal Civil Servants of Nigeria "Nominal Roll as at November, 2015". Source: Dr Joe Abah - Director Gerenal, (DG) Bereau of Public Service Reforms, Nigeria. I did the analysis by state, zone and region for the benefit of all that are calling for and are desirous of equity, fairness and justice in either; appointments, employment or recruitments into the Federal Civil Service or all others services related to above! From above Nominal Roll of the FCS following deductions were arrived at: from the total 89,511 Federal Civil Servants in Nigeria, the 19 Northern States have a total of 33,787 (37.75% of National total) and an average of 1778 per State. While the 17 Southern States have have a total of 55,001 (62.25% of National total) and an average of 3236 per State) the Southern States average is as close as the combine total of the four Northern States from the zone of the president's origin included his state of Katsina (Kt-1237+Kb-875+Sk-732+Zm-543= 3387) mind you with all the years that Northerners ruled Nigerian, imagined if the reverse was the case! Also it will interest you to note that the two so called Hausa/Fulani Zones of North-East + North-West that have a combined population of 54,758,909 (about 40% of National), a total Landmass of 513,780Kmsq(52.23% of National), a total Registered voters of 29,064,009 (42.50% of National) and indeed the two(2) zones alone gave PMB a total of  9.9million votes(64.71%) of the total votes PMB received to emerged victorious in the 2015 General Elections! Now the issues; instead of Lagos and Kano with a Population of close to 10millions and allocated only 2180 and 1545 respectively in the Federal Civil Servants of Nigeria coming together to fight the inequity, injustice and lack of fairness there in the FCS allocation when compared with states like  Imo with population of 3.9million and Kogi with population of 3.2million, Delta with a population of 4.09million, Ogun with a population of 3.7million but got; Imo 5825 and Kogi 5186, Delta 4,419 and Ogun 4,669  allocations of the Federal Civil Servants respectively, but instead we resort to deceiving ourselves in talking it as a North or South(when really even in the North the North-Central with a population of 18.8million got 17,861 as against the combine total for the North-East and North -West with a population of 54.8million but got only 15,926 FCS meaning NC has almost 2000 FCS more than the combined total number for the NE+NW put together! or you hear our people) or  talking it on religious point of view! what a country!what a people!? The earlier we woke up from our slumber and talk on issues on their merits or demerits, justly or unjustly!, fairly or unfairly!

We are going no where and will continue to injure ourselves and our very mutual survival as a nation and as a people. Let's at least use relevant facts from figures which really never lie and make our cases rather than looking at them from a sentiment point of view that will not do us any good or help anyone in any way! Dr. Sadiq Abubakar Umar Gombe

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