Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Re: Tinubu/South West Contribution to PMB's Victory 2015

"On claim that Northern leaders lambast Tinubu on PMB's electoral victory"  To be sincere and put the records straight the claim that Kano's 1.8million votes are higher than that of the entire South West is not true! The South West gave PMB 2.4Milliion votes +, also the most important thing that the South West gave PMB was those things we have been looking for to clinch the presidency which are; the media propaganda's, part of the huge financial backing for the party primaries and the general elections, the security of the candidate etc, above all is the mandatory constitutional requirement of having 25%/in at least 24states + FCT (which PMB was getting in the 19 northern states, but actually not able to secure in the remaining five states of the south to make up the 24 states 2/3 of 36 states) in all the previous elections until the last one of 2015 (where PMB got 25% in all 6 states of the South West, indeed winning in all the South West States but Ekiti) so for anyone to myopically or ignorantly distort the records and not recognise the role played by the South West.

It is very unfair to them, to PMB and to the Asiwaju who incidentally is the leading figure that more than any other person made that to be possible, the Jagaban really deserves to be respected in the alliance and be accorded all due recognition!. PMB was really the driving force more than any other Nigerian for his election victory in 2015, at least for his consistencies and un relented  fight right from 2003 to 2015 and most interested was his support base from the North where right from 2003 and 2011 PMB was getting as high as over 12Million votes from the North consistently which was really what inform the Alliance Partners to accept to work with him, support him to clinch the APC ticket despite his only one state of Nasarawa of the CPC!.

It is therefore mischievous to try to undermine the contributions of Tinubu and that of the South West as a block! Also noting all the efforts/resources that GEJ put in the South West in the built up to the 2015 GE! To some of us what is more important and beneficial to PMB and the North at this critical  stage is to as much as  possible consolidate, safeguard and strengthen our political alliance with the South West but not to jeopardize it rather! The South West still remain our sure best bet for now in reality! Then it would not be out of place to seek other additional allies but with serious caution! Is it those that took arms against us all should their son loss an election or those that are bent on destroying the north at all cost, even though they are the must beneficiaries of its everything!? Or at best those with a secessionist threat, while also doing everything in our mix to create disaffection, hate, serious mistrust among us! in disguises.

We must really need to be wiser my brothers! more than any other time! At least now we are running a join ticket with them of our dear amiable incorruptible son the PMB and VP(Ag. president) Osinbajo. A word is enough for a wise! May Allah make PMB to regain full health and come back to continue the good governance of our dear country! May God also guide and strengthen the Ag. President to be above; board, sentiment, and minor parochial interests so as to lead with all sense of fairness, justice and look up to the confidence that both PMB and other well meaning Nigerians have in him Ameen! Dr Sadiq U. Abubakar Gombe.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

I really sympathize with the Ghanian and indeed all of Africa

If really it is true we lost Former Ghanian President Jerry Rowling this morning as just posted now by an online media outfit. What a lost of an illustrious son to the entire African continent! I really sympathize with the Ghanian and indeed all of Africa. Also i hope it will serve as a good lesson to some of our past leaders busy meeting on the health condition of our dear President, PMB and even calling for his resignation instead of assisting him with prayers to regain his good health! At least they will now understand it is not a sick that will die if Allah wills! So it shows that it might be very possible that one of them or all of them will die and live PMB alive if God so desired! Am sure none of them is healthier than the Ghanian former leader! also none of them will by the slightest provocation claimedvto be more patriotic to his country or Africa than the former Ghanian and African leader! None of them is more loved and respected by either his people or the international community than the former Rowling's! So I therefore hope and pray that they will begin to learn to live that which is not under their control to the One and Only Omnipotent! And at best let them try to repent and ask for the peoples forgiveness on all that which they do while they were entrusted with our trust as leaders, there after ask Gods forgiveness before their time comes. Let them take lesson from the sudden departure of  President Rowling's this morning unprepared!. So sorry by dear African brothers! for the lost of this rear gem and patriotic son oçf Africa of our time! Dr Sadiq U. Abubakar Gombe

Allocation of Federal Civil Service by State

Below is an in dept analysis of the Federal Civil Servants of Nigeria "Nominal Roll as at November, 2015". Source: Dr Joe Abah - Director Gerenal, (DG) Bereau of Public Service Reforms, Nigeria. I did the analysis by state, zone and region for the benefit of all that are calling for and are desirous of equity, fairness and justice in either; appointments, employment or recruitments into the Federal Civil Service or all others services related to above! From above Nominal Roll of the FCS following deductions were arrived at: from the total 89,511 Federal Civil Servants in Nigeria, the 19 Northern States have a total of 33,787 (37.75% of National total) and an average of 1778 per State. While the 17 Southern States have have a total of 55,001 (62.25% of National total) and an average of 3236 per State) the Southern States average is as close as the combine total of the four Northern States from the zone of the president's origin included his state of Katsina (Kt-1237+Kb-875+Sk-732+Zm-543= 3387) mind you with all the years that Northerners ruled Nigerian, imagined if the reverse was the case! Also it will interest you to note that the two so called Hausa/Fulani Zones of North-East + North-West that have a combined population of 54,758,909 (about 40% of National), a total Landmass of 513,780Kmsq(52.23% of National), a total Registered voters of 29,064,009 (42.50% of National) and indeed the two(2) zones alone gave PMB a total of  9.9million votes(64.71%) of the total votes PMB received to emerged victorious in the 2015 General Elections! Now the issues; instead of Lagos and Kano with a Population of close to 10millions and allocated only 2180 and 1545 respectively in the Federal Civil Servants of Nigeria coming together to fight the inequity, injustice and lack of fairness there in the FCS allocation when compared with states like  Imo with population of 3.9million and Kogi with population of 3.2million, Delta with a population of 4.09million, Ogun with a population of 3.7million but got; Imo 5825 and Kogi 5186, Delta 4,419 and Ogun 4,669  allocations of the Federal Civil Servants respectively, but instead we resort to deceiving ourselves in talking it as a North or South(when really even in the North the North-Central with a population of 18.8million got 17,861 as against the combine total for the North-East and North -West with a population of 54.8million but got only 15,926 FCS meaning NC has almost 2000 FCS more than the combined total number for the NE+NW put together! or you hear our people) or  talking it on religious point of view! what a country!what a people!? The earlier we woke up from our slumber and talk on issues on their merits or demerits, justly or unjustly!, fairly or unfairly!

We are going no where and will continue to injure ourselves and our very mutual survival as a nation and as a people. Let's at least use relevant facts from figures which really never lie and make our cases rather than looking at them from a sentiment point of view that will not do us any good or help anyone in any way! Dr. Sadiq Abubakar Umar Gombe

Congratulatory Message to Hon Minister Sulaiman Hassan Jara

I wish to formally congratulate you Alh Sulaiman Hassan Jara as a  member of the BDG, on behalf of the Buhari Discussion Group (BDG) on your official confirmation by the Senate as a Honourable Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. May Allah guide and see you through in this task amin! Dr. Sadiq Umar Abubakar Gombe Secretary, for BDG Gombe State Chapter.

Re "APC Headquarters shut down as OBJ, IBB and Abdussalami call for Buhari's Resignation

Re "APC Headquarters shut down as OBJ, IBB and AAA call for Buhari's resignation" to put the records straight whose mind are they speaking or what moral standing to they possesses to play down on the intelligence of Nigerians on PMB's health status? This is a man that was all through been fought, prostrated, sabotaged and indeed denied the right to rule by the duo over a period of time, until really when God the Almighty ordained that the time has come for PMB to rule! and even then they are all against it except for OBJ who also is as a result of a prostrated effort to regain a say in his party the PDP, then he suddenly abandoned the party and supported PMB though not as a member of his party to some of us OBJ acted primarily to settle scores but certainly not out of any patriotic zeal! They should know that PMB consistently was getting over 12million votes from 2003 up to his CPC, So to say the real value added as a result of the; merger, new PDP, the other groups that supported PMB, all added a value of just over 2million votes which in actual sense is not up to 20% of his consistent votes over the years! So if we can draw an analogy from above it reveals that had God planned for him to be President earlier than 2015, and also If not for all the evils of the duo though allowed to have effect by God for a specific purpose! he would have being a President much more earlier, when in reality he was much younger, much more healthier, more commitment with a zeal, much more focused to stare the ship of a state! but the evil genius and the other evils deny Nigerians such an opportunity by their share greed, selfishness, unpatriotic postures etc.

2.Who really among them have the morals to defend a constitution which is their new antics, when IBB have all the opportunity to installed the most acclaimed democratic government that was adjudged to be won in the most free and fair elections ever in our dear history in a democracy. AAA was one who supervised the rigged elections that brought OBJ which many believed Falae won the elections, even when OBJ was denied by his Yoruba Southwest!). OBJ that even after all the flawed elections under his 8years and after having ruled for the mandated 2terms went ahead to canvass for an unconstitutional 3rd term at all cost despite all odds! not even minding endangering and plugging Nigeria into chaos and probably a civil unrest! Who at the end brought a GEJ so as to punish Nigerians for denying him his Third term evil plan. So who dear among them can shamelessly preach constitutionalism to Nigerians! The real issue is that they are only praying and looking for an opportunity to strike as a result of the fight against corruption that PMB is waging which all of them are afraid of and are too uncomfortable with, going by their past records and the monumental levels of abuses on them all! Is it the Hamza Al-Mustapha's revelations against some of them or many corrupt accusations levelled against them all!?. By Gods will they will not see through to their evil plan to dis stabilise Nigeria!

3.Mind you they are all through their lives PDP members and have never shy away from associating with such!

4. I Therefore urge all well meaning Nigerians to continue to pray for the healthy recovery of our dear PMB and also resist any attempt to undermine our collective resolved to clean up our country of crooks and their followers, for which we stood by and elected PMB for! and i am most particularly calling on the ruling APC to braze up and understand that it is not about locking off of offices, rather they must be firm and resolutely in resisting any attempt to sabotage the hard earned victory we have achieved over evil doers in the 2015 by all means! If need be they must call for a mass rally to show the world that both OBJ, IBB and AAA are not speaking for even their immediate families, but are only speaking for their greedy, self-centered and myopic lust! to  continue to reap where they did not really sore! Nigerians are now wiser, it is not about Stepping Aside, Jailing of Al-Mustapha to hide our evils or about pursuing a Third-  term!

5. If at all PMB feels he needs time to go back and continue with his medication, it is his decision and that of his handlers. We are all mortals who are at any time subject to be sick, recover etc even die and be called back as at when God want us to! at his prescribed time!, and there is nothing one can do! but for PMB certainly what the patriotic, in corruptible, transparent, rear gem African of the likes of PMB needs from Nigerians is no more than prayers from us all. As his absence while on medical vocation will not in any way stop Nigeria from been governed, it is him that for the first time followed the constitution to the latter and transmitted to the NASS his revolved to fully hand over to his VP without any restriction to stare the ship of the state in his absence while on medical vocation what more do our people want!? indeed for the over 40days or so of his trip the other time nothing stopped! We did not forget when IBB desolved the powerful AFRC and traveled to Paris for over a month with out anybody back here in authority, returned at will and continue and then at the end plugged Nigeria into a near collapsed, if not for God mercy on us! At over eighty and the other two at about PMB's age they should go and rest in peace and allow us to progress in peace and harmony. What we want are agents of progress not of retrogression! at this stage and critical moment in our nation! Enough is more than Enough please! Dr. Sadiq Abubakar Umar Gombe